Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Day Six

Still not smoking! I guess it's getting easier. I feel like it is and then I have a wave of something that makes me want to rip someone's face off. So far, I have been able to control myself.

Interestingly, I am craving the nicotine less than I'm craving the habit. I guess the Chantix must be doing its job. I still have my triggers:
Getting in the car
Leaving someplace where you can't smoke
After eating, etc.

My buddy is also hanging in there. She has a lot of nervous energy and is funneling it into home improvements. In a few days, she'll have remodeled her entire home.

I'm not deceiving myself -- there are lots of hard times, cravings and temptations ahead. But I'm starting to believe I can do it this time. If you understood how down I am about where my life is, you'd understand that feeling this hope is a gift.


  1. Sooooooooooooo Proud of You!
    See how amazing you are?

  2. And NO-I don't feel any freaking better-your buddy

  3. Go ahead and rip someones head off. Just be sure it someone you do not know. What ever it takes. Patsy

  4. It is a journey...keep at it!
