Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Scary Side

The other night I was sitting with my friend in the Flamingo Lounge, aka her family room. We were recounting our day. Mine basically boiled down to a couple of episodes where I wanted to scream, "Move aside incompetent people! I will handle this."

She calmly said, "That's your scary side."

I come by this honestly. Everyone is afraid of my mother. (Some of her friends pretend like they're not but they're not fooling me.) Even my goldies -- my friends who have known her since our childhood -- are still afraid of her. They tread softly. A wise choice. My father who was struck with the thunderbolt, freakish, out-of-this-world love potion of adoration for her knows when to clam up and move on.

I must admit she is still capable of scaring me with a look. I think all parenting skills should be modeled on the Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts. The scary look is a badge to earn.

We celebrated her birthday earlier this week. Then we had a minor health scare. In the heat of the moment, I forgot to keep my cool and my scary side came out. I believe I said something like, "Please stop doing your hair because when you're dead, they have people at the funeral home who take care of that."

Happy birthday to my scary mom and genuine thanks for the DNA.


  1. OMG!!! Maybe I'm dense or maybe I've never seen the scary side of your mother but . . . I've have NEVER been afraid of you mom. I know her "evil eye" look and the rest but I guess that's what makes us love her even more. Hell, if she has the power please let me have the boys stay a few nights with her and strighten them out. Kim P.S. Happy Birthday Sandy! LOL!

  2. Oh!! Happy Birthday Mamma Riley!
    And I must say I am not afraid of her, I respect her. And I do know the look (aka Evil Eye)and I also know when to be quiet or at least I know when I should have been quiet. I absolutely ADORE this wonderful woman that gave you life. She will always be one of my Heros!
    I love you Sandy & Sheri too!

  3. You are both scary sometimes. I'm afeard...I like to view it more of a great leadership trait, taking charge....that's why I love you!...deb

  4. What happened to your mom? I'm not scared of her but I hope she's always on my side.
