Thursday, June 18, 2009

It's Gotta Be Weird -- Even for Cher

(Photo from People Magazine)

For the record, I am in no way making fun of homosexuality. I have known many gay people in my life and sexual orientation is not a factor in deciding how I feel about someone. I also think facing the fact that your child is gay is often a horrendous challenge for some (most?) parents.

But this isn't about most normal people who go about their ordinary lives and then get bashed in the head with the knowledge that their little Suzi likes girls or Bobby likes boys. This is about Cher -- a rather "out there" person in her own right.

Chastity, daughter of Cher and Sonny Bono, has long been out of the closet. Cher opened up years ago that this was tremendously difficult for her but she accepts it. (I have been to Cher concerts -- her most loyal following is people with alternative lifestyles.)

Now Chastity is in the midst of becoming a man. Apparently, this is not a simple surgery but a rather lengthy process.

Here's what I don't understand. If a woman is a self-proclaimed homosexual, what happens when she becomes a man? If the man now likes women, does that mean he is now heterosexual? Just curious.

1 comment:

  1. You can tell we're heteros because we don't quite comprehend.

    But we know we've got to start calling "him" Chazz.
