Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Days When Nothing Works Out

Lately I've managed to string together quite a number of days when a pity party is in order.
I still have not found a full time job,
My divorce attorney fouled up the filing so I had to start from scratch,
My nerves are on edge and I'm already a pretty hyper person,
And more...

Worrying and fretting solves nothing. I know this. Doesn't stop me.

I am learning to appreciate what I do have. And, I have a lot.

But on certain days...


  1. Maybe the divorce attorney fouled up, because it is not supposed to happen?? Fate?

  2. Nonsense to "anonymous's" answer...Keep on going in the direction you are...You deserve have friends that love you !!!! sbs

  3. If it was a "sign" everytime an attorney messed up we'd be in the end times for sure!

    Hang in there.

  4. Stop posting pictures of me!
    I will come to a pity party for you. And for each pity I will found something to be positive about.
    You are amazing. You are strong. This will make you more amazing & stronger. Look forward to the future.
    It is a hellava ride but worth it. Take it from someone that feels the same but the grip of this thought keeps me going forward.
