Monday, August 3, 2009

Oh, %#*#@!!!

The other day I received an email from my girlfriend and she told me about her rotten day. Later she forwarded an email she received from her company's email techies -- seems they frown on using expletives on the company email. It is such a part of my vernacular that I didn't even notice it in the email.

I know better. I was taught (by parents, teachers, adults I admire)that swearing was unladylike and a cross between laziness and ignorance. I failed that lesson and I fail it often. (Although I am extremely careful around children and in business situations.)

There's an article in this week's Time magazine that quotes a study in the journal NeuroReport. The study found that cussing does more than vent frustration; it can actually reduce physical pain. The example used is women giving birth are far more likely to blurt out a choice cuss word -- or a string of them -- when the same woman would never use such language on a regular basis.

In a moment of complete insanity, I volunteered to serve as liturgist in church this Sunday. My recurring nightmare is flubbing something and then dropping the F bomb.

I won't. But my peon brain is having a party making me think about the possibility. I'd really hate to have to find a new church.


  1. Ha! No wonder I feel better after I let out the F bomb!
    It was creepy that my employment had a little tattle-tell in my computer. It cracked me up that you said "what inappropriate language?"

  2. My favorite expletive is "Oh, rats!"

  3. Welcome to the world of public speaking in church. It is a constant fear of mine as well that something will slip through my filters 'in front of God and everybody."

  4. Try being the pastors wife ,people somehow think we've never heard that word and certainly have never used it. I,somehow feel better when I do use "bad girl" language. I do not use it in chuch, I save it for when we are in the car on the way home,for example, "if that heifer tells me one moe time about her flat feet, I'm gonna let her have it". I won't of course, but it makes me feel better. love you
