Monday, May 25, 2009

Don't Look Ethel!

Appropriate is a lovely word. It rolls off the tongue easily. It sits nicely in the gut or the soul until someone or something nudges: "Made you look!"

Like the truth, appropriate is self defined. For all our sakes, I'll err with brevity.

I am truly bone tired of the following:

Doing a visual inspection of anyone's tattoos.

Diverting my eyes and struggling to understand a conversation because a tongue implement has now become a speech impediment.

Guessing the circumference of any upper thigh area that I should not have to see.

Wondering why anyone would be so disrespectful to wear that (fill in the blank) to church, a funeral, a job interview, a dinner party, or anywhere in public.

I am a great fan of, "To each his own." Do it, live it, celebrate it.

Everything has its place. You can have it. Please don't make me look at it.


  1. Oh my. You don't have to look. Avert your eyes.

    Or scan for what's beautiful. The world is full of things I don't want to look at. I blink a lot.

  2. I had to look but regret that I did. I will work out harder at the gym!..deb
