Friday, November 11, 2011

Turning a Blind Eye

Admit it. It's so easy to do. Someone in need is right in front of you and you change directions, look the other way, duck & cover. Often, we then say a prayer of thanks that this person, this particular situation is not ours.

I am absolutely appalled at the Penn State scenario. Heartbroken for the victims and heartbroken for those who will carry the stigma, whether they were involved or not. I don't think putting Penn State grad or Penn State athlete on your resume is going to cause you anything but trouble for the coming years.

Of this whole saga, the most troubling thing to me was the protests and riots over the 84-year old, turn a blind eye, make a b'jillion dollars coach being fired. I would feel a whole lot better about our society if the riots were for the victims.

I feel certain I would properly report a child being abused or molested. I'm quite smug about helping children, animals and anyone I sense to be in need.

Yet, I drive everyday by people with those signs: "Homeless & hungry." "A veteran who needs a leg up." "Hungry kids, will work for food."

I drive by. I often don't believe the signs.

I'm questioning whether I'm any better than others who witness awfulness.


  1. I still keep my "bum money" in the car. Even when I am not in a financial situation to give my hard earned money away, I am way more fortunate than those holding the signs. Even those that are lying... their lives are harder than mine.
    I am Blessed to not have to beg.
    Therefore, I will continue to slip a dollar to that bum with the sign.
    Penn State drama? It is pathetic. And I believe it happens more than it is exposed. It's out there everywhere. :(

  2. This is 'Satan's World'.....Bottom Line....This 'Earth is Satan's Throne'....while 'Our God' and Our Almighty Heavenly Father will eternally reign in HEAVEN....and GIVE US THE 'CHOICE' whether to DO GOOD or TO FOLLOW SATAN and DO EVIL.......HE DOES HOLD THE POWER TO CHANGE EVERY SITUATION......STILL, HE gives us the CHOICE to CHOOSE GOOD and to FOLLOW HIM or to CHOOSE EVIL and adhere to THE SINS OF THE WORLD. I am no longer shocked by the evil that exists on this earth, it is quickly self-destructing, for sure,......but I am ALWAYS ALWAYS deeply saddened by it. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND the SUFFERING OF THE INNOCENT, but I DO TRUST that ONE DAY 'ALL ACCOUNTS' will be settled and ON THAT DAY.......WE WILL KNOW and UNDERSTAND. As for THIS DAY, none of it makes sense. The Coach was NOT, in most opinions, oblivious to the situation.....but turned a 'blind eye' and a 'deaf ear' to the severity of it.......TOO MUCH ON THE LINE! Makes you wonder if WE, as sinners, are in danger of some point...turning his FACE FROM US after We have 'denied' him one too many times! It is Heart-Breaking and Heart-wrenching to KNOW what REALLY IS HAPPENING ALL AROUND US!
