Thursday, June 9, 2011


This is going to make some of you mad. But, I am mad.

Whatever happened to working for a living?

There's this whole gang/group of people out there with the singular goal of working the system. They need food stamps, they need school lunch programs, they need disability. They need help.

I met a young man today, one of 10 children, whose mother is taking the majority of his paycheck. She has addictions and is working the system.

I met another who told me her sister can't work because if she stands too long or sits too long, her joints hurt. Well, guess what? If you're over 40, you probably have some joints that hurt.

Many of us feel entitled to Social Security but honestly, that plan is on the bubble. And the truth is, we probably paid less in than we feel we are entitled to receive.

Is there an answer? I don't know. But I know for sure that I am sick and tired of helping a whole group of people who work the system.

On the other hand, I would give a kidney to someone who needs it. I'm not heartless -- just a little jaded.

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