Thursday, September 22, 2011

Abortion and the Death Penalty

Heavy subject. I know. Welcome back.

I am terribly torn about this man that was put to death on Wednesday night. I used to think that some of these people who might be wrongly convicted were still ok to be in prison because their rap sheets were so long that they had to be guilty of many things. But death? Come on! His majority of people who testified against him recanted their testimony. There was zero DNA evidence against him. But, he died by lethal injection by the courts and the government of our USA. I am also deeply troubled by the number of people we find not guilty as science, like DNA testing, catches up with reality.

Then I start listening to the politicians and their posturing. It seems the same peole who will wave the disgusting pictures of fetuses and partial birth abortions are the same people who want to bring back the firing squad.

No, I'm not picking on Republicans. I'm picking on those of us who choose not to be humanitarians.

I have never been faced with the unplanned pregnancy but I'm pretty sure I know what my choice would've been. I'm also pretty sure I would not have wanted my life, my future child's life or my fetus' life (however you choose to view it) held in the hands of a politician.

It's also pretty unlikely that I will be in the wrong place, wrong time and be accused of gunning down a policeman.

I have no way of tying a nice bow around this and wrapping it up nice and neatly. I'm not suggesting that the woman with the unwanted pregnancy should've had an abortion so her child didn't wind up a criminal. I'm not suggesting that the criminal who was executed wasn't guilty.

I'm merely suggesting that is all messy and ugly and the politicians who reduce it all to a sound bite and a campaign slogan make me choke back the bile.


  1. I fight between being pro choice and pro life with my self often. I see the argument for some abortions say due to rape but isn’t that fetus conceived due to a rape just as much a person as another fetus conceived out of passion?

    My major question would be to the Catholics who abortion is a sin and never considered yet they tend to vote Democrat and that is the party that leans mainly towards pro choice, not to mention a president who voted for partial birth abortions which is appalling to me.

    As to the death sentence I don’t see the argument to pro lifers that are pro death sentence a fetus is still innocent and should be protected where a person convicted for murder is not and is a threat to society. Have innocent people been executed probably for sure but the legal system is awfully good and is right more then wrong and if some clown hurt my family then justice will be expected. It is easy to condemn our system until it is personal.

    With all that I am probably more pro choice and even more pro execution.


  2. Isn't that funny? I fight with these issues too. But I find myself thinking what you said earlier, "isn't that child conceived in horror as worthy as the child conceived in passion?" And I find myself more and more freaked out by our ability and tenacity to execute people who we later find out were innoccent.
