Monday, March 1, 2010

Secret Crush

The title might be redundant. Aren't all crushes secret? Otherwise all single people would act like third graders -- throwing spitballs and passing notes.

I have a little crush, a flicker of interest. And miracle of miracles, it's not on the man who has owned my heart for the better part of two decades.

It really doesn't matter if my crush ever notices me (but I hope he does.) It doesn't matter if we ever go out for coffee or brush knees in a movie (but I hope we do.)

What matters is I find myself thinking of him. I want to look nice in case I see him. I like hoping that he's as nice as he seems. I fantasize that he likes dogs.

The miracle is a heart that was crushed and pulverized now has a blip of feeling.

I've got a secret crush.

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