Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Is Social Media Wasting Your Time?

I had a friend post something today that we, his facebook friends, should not be offended if he decides to close his page or stay away for a while. He has decided it is a distraction and ultimately, a time waster.

I am not offended. He's a smart guy with a busy life: family, travels a lot for work, etc. I respect his choice and, as he pointed out, any true friend can reach him through a variety of other avenues.

I have another friend who gave up facebook for Lent, which I also found admirable. She was really glad to be back on Easter but she kept the vow.

Texting is the only way I communicate with my son. His choice, but I have adapted.

We took a few days off to visit a lake house that our friends own. There was never a moment unplugged. I might have gone a few hours without checking email or looking at Facebook but someone else always kept me in the loop. We shuffled whose iPad or iPhone went on the speaker next because there was always music. Someone asked a question and 5 people Googled the answer.

Yet, I never felt disconnected from the people I shared this vacation with.

I don't think it's wasting our time. I think it's enhancing it.

It's a different world out there my friends. I like it. And. I'm just trying to keep up.

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