Sunday, May 1, 2011


Is there anything worse than being assigned to a cubicle each day? Well, of course disasters like tornadoes, tsunamis and other freaks of nature come to mind. But in the day to day working world of us little worker bees, I think cubicles are the worst.

When I was a young worker at AFNB (about to become Bank One) I had a little office appropriate to my little job. When they were building the Bank One Tower (now the Chase Tower) I was shown the plan of seniority and cubicle size. I did not rank an office but I did get a rather large cubicle with a great view. I also managed a parking space in the underground garage which meant I could go from garage to garage without messing up my hair.

As I grew with the company and my beloved boss retired, I got his office. With a door. With a conference table. With art that inspired me.

A little less than a year ago, I took a wonderful job with a company who's mission I firmly believe in. As the little troll on the totem poll, I was assigned a cubicle. I (being me) decorated it. I put out a candy jar (which almost broke me) in a way to say, "Stop by. Get to know me. Help yourself."

I put great faith in one man (my boss) and he put great faith in me.

I now have a great office with a door that locks and two windows that let in the sunshine. I have no idea why that is important to me but it is. The only thing that I miss about Bank One is the bank plane. Since we're a small, not -for-profit credit union, I think I will continue to fly commercial.

Here's my advice for all business owners and managers out there. If you really want to stifle creativity and productivity:
Put them all in a cubicle
Make them clock in & out and account for every second of every day.


  1. How lovely that you phrase this in terms of learning, getting farther, being generous. So typical of you, Sheri!

  2. Well, Kristen, I am humbled. I continue to learn from you ever day whether it's about cooking, keeping a stiff upper lip while moving or being a fabulous wife and mother. And by the way, you are right. Beets are fabulous!

  3. So happy that you are back in the business world where you belong. And back home, too. Patsy
